A whole month? Oh my GOD! I just realised that is how long it has been since I last wrote anything on here. A month. Anything. One. So here I am, and so much has happened in the time since I last wrote on here.
Okay, here goes. Well, I went out to Boronia Primary School for a day, and had a super sensational time out there. We spent the day drawing and signing and laughing and playing and when I went to collect my orders, there was this amazing display of all the kids' work at the office. It looked so awesome I almost fell over. I was rapt. They had drawn some killer pictures. So that was great.
I also went out to Wandin North Primary School, to visit the kids there. No. Not Wandin Valley. It wasn't the school on A Country Practice for all those people as old as me. It was Wandin North, and it was a very cool little school. Only 140 kids, and the Grade 6ers weren't there, so it was even smaller. But we had an awesomely fun day ... I even thought I was Adam Sandler there for a little bit, which was extra fun. Disco Disco. But another fun day, and it was great to see the kids and all their monkey-like swinging tricks when I went back out a few days later. Only one slight injury too, so that was good.
What else? Ummmm, okay, well I watched Iron Man ... Good movie that! One of the better superhero films.
A portrait was painted of me by the artist, Katsuya. I was looking very regal and super. St James the Greater was who I was modelling, and I think I certainly was pretty great! I even grew a beard for the modelling! A goatee, which has now morphed, mwaawwhahahahaha, into a full beard. I almost look like an adult ... now I just have to think about starting to act like one ... maybe.
Well, I think that is enough for today. Footy starts this week ... WOO! Bring that on.
Have a great week everyone, and keep living the dream.
Stay gold.