Yep, I officially suck at regularly updating on here. Part of the reason for that is that I now have a Facebook Page that I update a lot, so it feels as though I am doing something. Speaking of doing, does it feel weird to anyone else that doing and boing don't rhyme? And going? I mean, come on. Seriously.
Anyway, it has been a great month since I last wrote on here. I went out and visited Seville Primary School, where Erin Portingale, my step-niece is in her first year of teaching and doing an awesome job!!! I had a great day out there with the kids, and it was nice to be out towards Warburton as well, a loverly part of the world for sure.
Then I also visited Princes Hill Primary School in Carlton, and this was awesome as well. It was a school that was a little more open-learning style, where the classes were neighbourhoods rather than specific class groups. Anyway, it worked well and I had great fun out there as well.
So all in all a great month for schools, and I also just went out to Healesville Craft market which went really well in a beautiful setting.
So life is good!
In other news, I have a new project I have been working on for Hinkler Books. I will keep you updated as to release dates and so on, but basically I am 2 parts out of 8 in a big collection of things. I wrote some rhymes and some tongue twisters, so it was great fun and I am hanging to see it when it is done.
Have a great week, and keep living the dream.
Stay Gold.