It's true, and I AM EXCITED! I don't get excited much ... well, sometimes I do. If I tell a good joke that cracks someone up ... if someone tells a good joke that cracks me up ... if I do a nice robot dance ... if the MIGHTY PIES win ... if I wake up from a great siesta.
Okay, so I get excited quite a bit! But this has got me more excited than I have been in a while.
The Incredible Journey of Pete McGee is a book that has been on quite a journey itself. I wrote it in 2002. Or maybe 2001. Or was it ... no ... wait, it was a long time ago okay?
I have sent it to quite a few publishers. They all said no. One publisher said if I changed a few things they would be interested. I changed the things. They weren't interested.
It has been to an assessment agency. It has had a full copy edit. It has gone through about 8 drafts. Even at this late stage, there were about 8 or 9 different versions that went back and forth between me, Mandy (the editor) and Luke (the layouter).
But now, I do believe we have done it. It is finished and edited and laid out and ready to send off to the printer! JoJo Publishing, who are publishing the book, are aiming for a June release ... so that isn't too far away at all!
The Incredible Journey of Pete McGee is a story about a boy with one arm who wants to become a great knight ... but it's so much more than that. It's a story about going for your dreams, overcoming obstacles, finding true love, loyalty, adventure, facing adversity with humour and determination.
It's all this and more.
Look, it doesn't have any giraffes in it, so I am sorry about that.
Read it anyway, maybe I will try and get a giraffe or two in the sequel ...
For now, have a brilliant week, and keep living the dream.
Stay Gold.