Thursday, September 11, 2008

My first blog as a blogger doing some blogging

Greetings one and ... well, maybe just one, but hopefully one and all. Welcome to my new blog. I know that I have written many posts on my website, all hilarious and informative of course, but this is the first time I have written something where I really have to remember the L or else it will become gross. I mean, come on, imagine the title of this blog if I had forgotten to put in the Ls. Seriously, seriously smelly writing people! And now I have got that out of my system, so to speak, I will move on. Deep breath and ... done.
It has been a pretttty cool week in the life of me. I don't know why I did a lot of ts in pretty, but there you go. Anyways, I played pool on Monday night. Look at me go. I hadn't played for ages, so for the first few shots I nearly missed the white ball, let alone actually getting anything in. But it didn't take long for the old hustler in me to come flooding back. That's right. Twirling the cue behind my back, one handed shots, behind the back shots, left handed shots, I did them all ... and not one of them pocketed anything. I lost more games than I won. but at least I looked good doing it! So from here on in the tactic is more practice Wally, more practice. I'm coming for you Stolzy, you are going down my friend! It was great fun though, and amongst all the fun the little competitive fire in me, the one that was, well, you know how when a fire is dying down and all there is left is ashes and some burnt out wood and maybe some plastic thing that really stinks and is probably toxic and you look closer and burn your nose so you look closely but not too closely and you blow under the ashes and there it is, this one little red glow left on the edge of an old, burnt out log? That was my competitive fire. It had started glowing a little bit during my tennis games, but during the pool game someone blew my spark and it started to glow a little brighter and then a little more blowing and it glowed even brighter. By the end there may have even been a small, hardly noticeable flame going there. All I need now is to go and get some old newspaper, a bit of kindling (little bits of wood, not the author ... no, wait, that was Kipling. Sorry), and then get that fire roaring again.
Right then. I am ready to go. I am off to grab my axe and start a-chopping. I feel so pumped. Wow. Ready to take on the world baby. Look out world, the competitive Wally is back! COME ONNNNN!!! Actually, this has all been a little bit tiring, this getting fired up and pumped and excited. I think I will go and have a little lie down first, but then, after that, it is all on!
Have a great week everyone, and keep living the dream
Stay gold.

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