Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Way out west ... north west that is

Yep, I had a brilliant day out at Brunswick North West Primary last week. I saw the Grade 4, 5 and 6 kids, and they were AWESOME! Funny, creative, and occasionally chatty but always fun to hang around with!
They did some killer drawings too, it was very impressive. I am starting to wonder if these kids I teach are actually better drawers than me!
And so I move on to The Incredible Journey of Pete Mcgee! WOOOOO! i am still waiting for the stock to actually arrive, but it will be here any moment now, and I can't wait to get it ... partly because I just want it here in my hands, and partly because there are 18 books to get to the kids at Brunswick North West primary, and school holidays are fast approaching!
The launch is getting closer too! It's at 6pm on Wednesday the 6th of July at Readings in Hawthorn, and should be heapsa fun! That's an old medieval term that one, heapsa, all the knights were saying it back in the day. Seriously.
Okay, that's me out for the day. Just a quick one today. I am thinking of having this blog be less about me and more about just writing stuff. So that's what you can expect on your next reading ... of course, going by my track record that could be in a month or two, but I will try and get on it quicker than that this time!
Have a great week, and keep living the dream.
Stay gold.

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